This web site is best viewed at 1024x768 screen resolution (or higher) and was designed to be as cross-browser friendly as possible, though you are encouraged to use as current a browser release as you can.

Web pages were originally created with Microsoft FrontPage 2003, but have more recently been rewritten with Microsoft Expression Web (without FrontPage extensions).  They are created on the webmaster's local system and then uploaded to the hosting facility. The folks at ChristianWebHost provide excellent hosting services at very reasonable cost. In the few instances when problems have arisen, they have been very quick, courteous and effective in their response.

Lately, photo albums are based on a freeware image gallery viewer called HighSlide JS. Images are preprocessed and thumbnails are generated using Cerious Software's ThumbsPlus. (Excellent program!) Page title graphics have been created using a variety of tools, including Xara Xtreme Pro (now called Xara Designer Pro), Xara3D and FontFX. Perl scripting has also been used for batch file management and to automate the generation of some content.

JavaScript is used to achieve certain special effects, especially on the Home, Bulletins and Photo Albums pages. If your browser doesn't support JavaScript or if you have turned it off, these pages will not function completely. No special extensions to your standard browser are required.

The drop-down menus are created through the use of Cascading Style Sheet templates. A special thanks is sent out to Stu Nichols at CSSPlay for his permission to use his excellent example code on our site.

Every attempt has been made to avoid copyright infringement and to give credit where it is due. If you spot an oversight in this regard, please let us know. If you have any comments, criticisms or suggestions regarding this web site, please contact us.

As of late 2007, there has been an ongoing effort to make the site as standards-compliant as possible. As the webmaster gets up to speed on effective use of CSS, code cleanup and new features will continue to be applied. This is a volunteer effort and presently a one-man operation. The webmaster has a very demanding "real job", so changes occur as time permits. If you're a parishioner, have experience in this area and are willing to lend a hand, please let us know.

Thanks, and enjoy your visit!

God Bless!

Jesus Saviour Home Page